RAD has the most flexible licensing in the industry.
We try to make licensing our products as easy as using them is! Hopefully, your accountants and/or lawyers will love us as much as your programmers do. Our standard agreement is about three pages long and almost every game and multimedia company in the world has used it by now.
Pricing-wise, we cover it all. We offer licenses for video games on every platform and for every use. This includes AAA games, mobile, indie games, simulators (educational), DLC, kiosks, arcade games, gaming and gambling (including slot machines, poker machines, and the like). Buying multiple platforms, or multiple products, at once will get you big discounts. We have bulk licenses, per-site licenses, and world-wide enterprise licenses available - just email us with what you need, and if we don't already have a license, we'll craft one to fit!
Also note that most publishers already have bulk licenses purchased, so if you are using a major publisher - email us, you might already have a license!
In general, our products are available for all platforms.For desktop, we're on Windows, MacOS and GNU/Linux (32-bit and 64-bit, x86 and usually Arm).
We're on Apple iOS and Android for mobile.
On game consoles we're everywhere: Sony PS5, Microsoft Xbox Series X, Microsoft XboxOne, Sony PS4, Nintendo Switch, and tons of older hardware (Wii, Wii-U, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, PS Vita, 3DS, etc).
We're also on some more niche platforms like QNX and Solaris, but these are custom situations.
Product Licenses:
We generally license per game and per platform, but we have other options for unusual licensing situations, so call us if you have any questions.